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Faster. Easier. Smarter.

Bekah, Sewlong Custom Covers

“Thanks so much for doing that Rhino class! It was super helpful and valuable. I feel like I have a much more solid foundation, and I am better able to continue learning. (And I am definitely looking forward to watching the video about python and to learn more about grasshopper.) I thought the class was awesome. And thanks for being such a good resource.”

AP Consulting and Technical Services offers a full range of services including Rhino3D training for all skill levels, CNC repair, workflow optimization, setup and support, and much more



Check out the blog where you will find helpful tips and tricks, updates, training opportunities and more. 



Adam Penner graduated from the Colorado School of Mines with his degree in Engineering Physics in 2017. After working as a designer and fabricator making marine canvas for a couple of years, he went to work on CNC and automation equipment at SDS Automation. After training hundreds of people across multiple continents and in both English and Spanish, Adam discovered his passion for making technology work for everyone. 

Utilizing all this experience, we can help take your digital fabrication to the next level. We specialize in taking your manual processes and automating them, combining your artistry and craftsmanship with modern manufacturing techniques we can help you work more efficiently and profitably. 



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